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New Releases from Wiley

FUNDAMENTALS OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Third Edition. Donald. C. Rizzo. Cengage Learning.

The study of anatomy and physiology is part of the basic curriculum, not only for those embarking on dedicated healthcare professions, but also for undergraduate students looking to attain B.A. degrees.

In Fundamentals of Anatomy, Donald Rizzo (Marygrove College) presents an outstanding primer that covers all the basic elements of the discipline in clear and impactive terms – a book notable not only for what it says, but how it says it.

It is no great secret that the young college student can be easily overwhelmed by textbooks that drown in a labored style that spews out facts without splicing them together into digestible bite-sized portions.

And that is just where Rizzo excels: Sharp sentence structure and features such as StudyWare Connection, a CD-ROM which includes practice quizzes, animations, image labeling and interactive games, in addition to the Study Guide Practice and various case studies all meld together to build a text that fully considers how today’s college student learns.

Topic of coverage include atomic structure; cell structure; cellular metabolism; tissues; and in depth review of all the major organ/body systems (with an especially well-developed segment on the cardiovascular system).

Outstanding graphics and illustrations (in addition to review-questions which close every chapter) encourage students to wade waist-deep in this material – retaining it for long-term reference rather than to master the challenges of exam day.

Recommended as a primary course text in all undergraduate Anatomy and Physiology courses – cited for its depth and clarity of presentation.

Order from Cengage-Learning.

by John Aiello

DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICOLOGY. Third Edition. Editors: Deborah K. Hansen. Barbara D. Abbott. Informa Healthcare.

In this third edition to this ground-breaking text, readers are escorted through myriad aspects of both maternal and developmental toxicology. Here, the top contributors in the field show researchers and students alike how to apply recent developments in cell biology and molecular embryology to challenges in toxicology (such as might be encountered in aspects of the pharmaceutical industry). The result is a volume that speaks to a multiplicity of disciplines at once – showing the reader that the study of science is all-encompassing and requires its practitioners to broaden focus instead of  restricting focus. Outstanding chapters include Nutrition in Developmental Toxicology and Investigating Drug Effects in Human Pregnancy.

Target: This text would be appropriate as a primary text in all advanced research biology courses devoted to elements of developmental toxicology. Additionally, this volume would also prove beneficial to the practicing researcher at work in the laboratory.

Order from Informa Healthcare.

by John Aiello

EVOLUTION OF STARS AND STELLAR POPULATIONS. Maurizio Salaris. Santi Cassisi. John Wiley and Sons.

This brand new book by Wiley will serve generations of students to come as an authoritative reference which details how stars and stellar populations come to develop (and then evolve) over long blocks of time. In creating this book, Salaris and Cassisi have not taken the typical ‘old-hat’ approach, instead looking to build a deeply invigorating text that incorporates theory with a summary of the primary study techniques currently in use by researchers (who follow the growth and evolution of galaxies). Although focused on astronomical topics, the underlying premise of this book speaks to the universe at large, allowing scientists in varied realms a sharply built road map in which to investigate how myriad forces and forms materialize. The authors begin their treatise with in depth discussion of the “theory of stellar evolution” (paying specific attention to stellar properties we can directly observe). From here, the reader is escorted through the role the scientist is meant to play in tracking the perpetual motion of galaxies and star clusters. As Salaris and Cassisi expand on their topic, they deftly analyze various research applications (such as stellar population synthesis), in turn allowing for a multidimensional understanding of the universe and our place within its limitless labyrinth.

Recommended as a primary teaching text in advanced Astronomy or Astrophysics courses dedicated to the investigation of how stellar properties evolve over time. Further suggested as a general reference text in all college-level libraries.

by John Aiello


This text is specifically designed for working professionals and advanced students in the fields of genetic research and epidemiology. Elston’s and Johnson’s tome offers a cogent summary of essential biostatistics written in a style meant to illuminate the minds of those readers with no previous statistical background (but who still must stay current with developments in a kinetic area of study). Basic Biostatistics is set apart from other titles on the subject because of its in depth presentation. Moreover, the authors write in a manner that educates without ever preaching – presenting a book that leads scientists through a great labyrinth of complicated theories and principles in a clear and well-defined way.

Recommended for both the classroom and the laboratory, this true crossover text that meets the needs of researcher and student with equal dexterity.

HANDBOOK OF PROTEINS: Structure, Function and Methods. In Two Volumes. Michael Cox. George Phillips. Wiley-Blackwell.

Consider this the ultimate treatise in terms of the study of proteins – components which provide the foundation for all living cells while orchestrating a multitude of functions that regulate the core-structure of the organism. Here, Cox and Phillips stitch together contributions from the leading scientists in the field whose work completely dissects and delineates the properties of proteins. Noted because this handbook functions as both an esteemed academic reference and a hands-on research tool meant to assist scientists at work in the laboratory ‘trenches.’

AN INTRODUCTION TO FORENSIC GENETICS. William Goodwin. Adrian Linacre. Sibte Hadi. Wiley.

This book enters an arena for which John Wiley isn’t typically known – the examination of the principles of the forensic science and its many prongs that intersect both medical and legal disciplines. This particular text is notable for its comprehensive exploration of forensic science as it specifically applies to genetics. Topics of coverage include the myriad technologies employed by the forensic scientist in creating a practical DNA profile; statistical interpretation of raw data; demographic considerations; the evaluation and presentation of DNA evidence in a courtroom setting; and the proper presentation of forensic reports for the courts. Forensic Genetics is augmented by its adept use of case studies which bring the ‘theory’ of the course work to life, allowing students to apply what they have learned to real-world situations. Furthermore, the writing of the book stands out, setting forth complicated principles of discussion in clear and concrete terms as it escorts the reader point-by-point into the ‘gut’ of the discipline. Target: This textbook is appropriate as a primary course text for undergraduate students beginning a program in the Forensic Sciences.

Go to wiley.com for further information.


This marks a well-developed pocket dictionary of Chromatography, combining conceptual definitions with illustrations/graphics to create a multidimensional reference tool. Dictionary has been designed for use by the practicing scientist in the laboratory setting, and it covers myriad subject areas, including analysis of both liquid and gas Chromatography (in addition to capillary electrophoresis and solid phase extraction – the primary scientific techniques used to separate components for chemical analysis/investigation). Readers will also find a broad assortment of photographs depicting the instruments/equipment used in the field; also note the compilation of references to encourage further study for both student and professional.

Pocket Dictionary does a fine job in laying a “foundation of facts” so that students of the discipline can begin to explore this very complex subject. Mr. Sadek (Chemistry Group Leader at Access Business Group in Michigan) has done a note-worthy job in constructing the book, for even though it appears indictionary form, it does not stop there: instead, scientists will also find that the author has gone to great lengths to examine vital concepts of Chromatography – intent on promoting a complete and fundamental understanding of the subject area. Notwithstanding the fact that Dictionary is a remarkable teaching text, it will serve the professional scientist equally well – similar to the way generations of lawyers have come to trust in (and rely on) Blacks Law Dictionary for direction.

Recommended to all college-level libraries as a general reference text. Would further serve as a useful study text in advanced analytical Chemistry courses.

Order from amazon.com.

THE FUTURE OF SMALL TELESCOPES IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM. Editor: Terry D. Oswalt. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

This 3 volume textbook with contributions from over 70 experts in the field, addresses how the telescope will be used in the new millennium.

Since the advent of more sophisticated computer systems and different laser-based technologies, the telescope has been somewhat forgotten by most of us as we rely on the digital images of the media to show us what dwells beyond the holy walls of the sky. However, the telescope is still a vital and necessary accessory to scientists across the world and it will be depended on as we move into the new century:

“…there is likely to remain a need for small telescopes, especially specialized telescopes that can be optimized for and dedicated to specific task. These can be well justified scientifically for projects ranging from solar system studies to cosmology. Small telescopes also are the heart and soul of teaching and public outreach programs…”

(From the Abstract on Page 1 of Volume 1 — By John Huchra)

This three volume set of books is as impressive as it is exhaustive. Volume 1 is titled “Perceptions, Productivities and Policies” and begins to explore the role of the telescope in the coming years. Among the topics covered include the scientific impact of the telescope (a well assembled essay by Helmut Abt of the Kitt Peak National Observatory). Volume 2 delineates the “Telescopes We Use,” examining in deep detail the different facilities now in use and detailing how these facilities have evolved (and will evolve). Volume 3 is called “Science in the Shadow of Giants,” and this segment looks at the possible contributions that telescopes are prepared to make in the approaching decades, in turn demonstrating how the country might be enriched by these scientific eyes that can see into the heavens.

The Future Of Small Telescopes In The New Millennium is a remarkable text book – a truly exhaustive research project that comes to speak to the topic of small telescopes in comprehensive and complete terms. And because of the scope of this text, the material here is not limited to graduate students in astronomy, but also proves valuable to both government and private sector scientists as the world assumes the challenges of the 21st century.

Highly recommended as a classroom text for graduate level courses in astrophysics and space science. Also would prove an elegant addition to any college-level library as a general reference text.

Order from amazon.com.


Science’s ability to better understand nucleic acids is imperative to research being done in a multiplicity of disciplines, including molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry and microbiology. Here, Dongyou Liu (Mississippi State University) provides readers with a research handbook that sews together the voices of the leading scientists in the world who write on nucleic isolation methods (with sections dedicated to viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, insects, mammals and plants). Aside from its in depth examination of all sides of its subject, Handbook of Nucleic Purification proves invaluable because it houses a wide-array of nucleic acid purification analysis in one tidy book. In essence, instructors and researchers who use this handbook are accessing a portable library which contains the latest information on an ever-changing area of study.

Like many of CRCs best publications, Handbook of Nucleic Purification serves the classroom and the laboratory equally well.

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This entry was posted on June 28, 2013 by in Reference and tagged .
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